Traditional Masonic Music

Traditional Masonic Music
MP3 audio and music notation

The MP3 Collection

Over the last few centuries, many pieces of music related to Masons have made their way onto the ever expanding "traditional" music list. We have created a collection of MP3 examples from the pieces we have discovered to date. The music has been arranged using various instruments, from guitar and fiddle, to small ensemble to bagpipe solos. You can find the directions for downloading this MP3 collection at the bottom of the following list of traditional Masonic music:

The Mason Lads
The Square and Compass
The Fellow Crafts Song
Apprentice Song
Fitzmaurices's Trip To Roslin Castle
Freemasons Song
FreeMasons Health
FreeMasons QuickStep
FreeMasons Salute
Masons Apron sample
Masons Hornpipe
Masons Of York
The Merry Mason sample

Roslin Castle
Roslin Castle Reel sample
Roslin Castle Strathspey
The Free Mason's March
The Mason's Quickstep
The Merry Mason
Master Masons

Purchasing & Downloading
the MP3 collection

The above listed MP3 collection has been prepared for download in the format of a "zip" file. The price is $5.00.
You can purchase this collection using the following secure Paypal link.
After your credit-card or Paypal payment is processed, the download link will immediately be sent to you by email

Traditional Masonic Music MP3s - $5.00


Traditional Masonic
Sheet Music Collection

We have now completed a PDF sheet music collection of traditional Masonic music. Each of the following pieces is prepared as standard notation, with a basic piano accompaniment that includes the guitar chords.

This basic tunes making up this music are all public domain, and this music is perfect for improvisation and different arrangements.

In most cases the pieces are meant to be played quite lively, but in a few we have included the direction to play slowly.

Note: With some pieces listed below, such as "The Mason's Cap" and "The Mason's Apron", the melodies are very similar but still different and we have included both arrangments.

Come All Ye Freemasons
Fitzmaurice's Trip to Roslin Castle
Free Mason's Health
Mason's Anthem
Mason's Hornpipe
Masons Song - Quick Step
Roslin Castle

The Apprentice's Song
The Fellow Crafts Song
The Free Masons
The Mason's Apron
The Mason's Daughter
The Master Mason's Song

The Square and the Compass
The Steward's Song
The Strolling Mason

Purchasing & Downloading
the sheet music collection

After your credit-card or Paypal payment is processed, the download link will immediately be sent to you by email

Traditional Masonic Sheet Music - $4.00


Another Masonic Music Collection
Masonic Music In 19th Century America

In 19th Century America, the Freemasons were busy publishing all kinds of music related to their organization, instrumental, choral, songs, you name it.

19th Century American Masonic Music


The Music Of Freemason
Guitarist Justin Holland

Justin Holland was one of the first American 19th Century classical guitarists, and he was teacher and a composer. He was also a prominent member of the African-American Masonic lodge. We have collected sheet music of the solo guitar works and the arrangements for voice and guitar of Justin Holland.

We also now offer Holland's method for the guitar


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